Well, Microsoft decided I needed a massive upgrade for the past 3 hours, so I’m very behind. Might be the first year I didn’t get finished on time. Thanks, Microsoft!
Oh well, c’est la vie…
We’ll get there, kids…
Hour 17 started off with Paul winning the raffle. He chose a Shared Universe $20 gift certificate, thusly…
Okay, we’re back, lest this seem like a seamless process, it is now 0953 on Monday, October 3, and I will attempt to finish this using the pics I snapped as the various folks finished and we wrapped up, so here goes:
I ask Derrick to make a cover. It’s not like he doesn’t have the time, right?
Gabe continues
Jeff gets more interesting Katie keeps on keepin’ on!
Ryk wins Hour 18, and chooses the Spider-Man donated by Comic Warehouse
Soto continues…
FIRST DONE! Falls asleep… Derrick sleep-chooses his prize for 1st done!
And that’s it for these hours.
Comin’ right back with Hours 20-24…
Your pal, and unwilling victim of the technology juggernaut,