Santa Fe: Just About Wrapped Up


Just a few minutes left here before the cleanup begins. Folks have been wrapping up and heading home all morning, though a few were still sticking it out and trying to finish their comics. The rest of us are just reading them. We also had a visit from a photographer for the Journal North, so check out tomorrow’s edition.

We’re figuring that we had 25 “official” participants, with plenty of friends, family, and other assorted hangers-on throughout the event. Since the last post, we’ve seen the completion of Tony’s Enjoy the Show, Kirstiann’s Black & White (in color), Rafael and Conseulo’s Aliens and Heroes (Consuelo also finished four pages of her own story), Caitlin’s At the Edge of the Lake, Julie and Tonya’s Cowan’s the Best Character…, and Katie’s Marquis (pencilled, though not all inked). Dale and Chris left with their mostly-completed comics, and Jett, Ethan, Benjy, Emily, Evan, and Vanessa are still plugging away.

Thanks to 7000 BC, True Believers Comics and Gallery, and Warehouse 21 for the use of their awesome new space. Also, thanks again to our food donors: Upper Crust Pizza, Walter Burke Catering, Java Joe’s, and La Montanita Co-Op.

Santa Fe: Morning, Bagels, and a Newspaper Article


Yep, morning here in Santa Fe. We’ve only lost a few and we’ve got Nikki’s Spiffy Whiskers Halloween Edition, James’ S.E.F.F., Victoria’s Typical Day in Cross Country, and Max’s D.A.R.E. done, our ol’ buddy Ryk finished his If Thine Eyes Offend Thee… from his place in L.A., and a couple people are just a page or two away from completion. Everyone got some bagels to try and help with that final push.

And this morning also saw our article in the Santa Fe New Mexican (seriously — how cool is that? We’re still here working, and reading about ourselves). Captured the spirit of the event pretty well. And though Upper Crust Pizza got mentioned for their donations, Walter Burke Catering, Java Joe’s, and La Montanita Co-Op got dropped somewhere along the line.

Santa Fe: We’re Into the Coffee Now

We’ve gotten our delivery of 5 gallons of coffee from Java Joe’s as we head into the eighth hour.

Also — turns out we have a scanner here in the digital media lab (with scanner software, but no image editing capabilities), so for the folks who have been working at 8.5 x 11, we’re able to scan their pages as they finish. Good news, and makes it more likely that 7000 BC will be able to assemble a compilation.

Santa Fe: Snacktime

Moving along here; there’s a fair amount of silliness, but still some good working getting done.

Took a break last hour for some snacks from Walter Burke Catering (we had paté — how many other 24 HCD sites had paté?) and La Montanita Co-op.

Also had a visit from a reporter from The Santa Fe New Mexican, so with any luck there will be an article on the event in Sunday’s edition while it’s still happening.