Thanks from Montpelier, Vt.!

I was way too tired (and my laptop battery way too low) to do a final post when we finished up at 10am this morning at Montpelier City Hall. Our event this year was a huge success, with more than 20 people taking attempts at 24-Hour Comics, about half finishing successfully and many, many amazing comics drawn.

Above is a page from Ed Epstein’s gorgeous and moving 24-Hour Comic story.

We also had a great media coverage for the event, including this story in the Times Argus and Rutland Herald newspapers. And tomorrow morning – at the crazy time of 6:20am – I’m being interviewed live in the studio at WCAX about the 24-Hour Comic challenge!

We had so much fun. Thanks to everyone who made this event a success. See you next year!

Eight hours to go!

There’s about a dozen of us left drawing comics at Montpelier City Hall with eight hours and ten minutes left in the challenge. It’s still a quiet, studious bunch, but I’m sure everyone will loosen up when the wackiness of the 3-5am stretch hits. Anyway, I’m halfway through my comic and listening to Joy Division on my iPhone. Whatever keeps you going!

Past the half way point in Montpelier, Vt.

Wow, we are now in hour #13 in Montpelier’s 24-Hour Comic challenge. We’ve lost a handful of participants, but most people are going strong on their comics. There’s plenty of coffee on the burner, bagels to be tasted, chocolate to be eaten and a few pieces of cold pizza hanging around.

One of the cool aspects of doing 24-Hour Comics at such a public venue (we’re in Montpelier City Hall and most of the cartoonists are drawing in the City Council chambers) is the steady stream of locals coming in to see what the fuss is all about. So far, everyone has been blown away by the talent.

See you again in a few hours!

Year #5 at Artists’ Mediums in VT!

We are looking forward to getting pencil to paper, stylus to screen, etc. 
Let the creative output begin! 
Our event this year is open to comic artists of all abilities, ages 16 and up (younger participants are allowed with an accompanying parent.)  Anyone interested in participating with us at Artists’ Mediums* should email their name, address and telephone number to
or call (802)879-1236 or (800) 255-1290
You can find Rick’s handy “Tiny Beginner’s Guide” as a pdf here!

*Artists’ Mediums is located in Williston, VT, conveniently near I-89 

24 hour comic day ’09 winding down in Vermont

at Artists Mediums Inc. in Williston Vermont…. With only hours left to go, the last few blurrily exhausted artists finish the final inking of their comics.
Many thanks to:
Bawls energy Drinks,
Vermont Sandwich Company
for keeping the comics well fed, and comic characters from falling asleep.

Artists’ Mediums 24hcd passes the 12th hour!

Julia and her mom Diana, back for round 2 after their break.
Here’s Jim, so immersed in his work he doesn’t notice the camera…
Jobeth, surrounded with pages upon pages & determined to finish.

Mr Robert Waldo Brunelle,Jr !
Karen and her awesome paint box set-up.

Rick and friends.

Geoffrey in mid-sketch…

Vermont is one-and-a-half hours in!

Took these pictures around 11:30 EST, and you could hear a pin drop in there.
Everyone is so quiet!

In the foreground is one of our veterans. And a few last minute sign-ups have filled out our group nicely…

Another veteran on the lower-left there, plus a mother-daughter team (mom draws, daughter is doing the script.)