The VERMONT 24 Hour Comic event is BEGUN!

We’re here at: Artists’ Mediums Inc. In Williston Vermont USA.
Artists’ Mediums Inc.

The artists have begun,
Everyone has coffe, snacks and Chocolate!
With a flurry of paper and pens they begin drawing.

Many Thanks already to our sponsors:
Sweet Clover Market
Rocky’s N.Y Pizza
Phoenix Books

Artists’ Mediums Year #4

Rick Evans came up with this fantastic design for our 2010 event. We are hoping to raffle off the hand painted version off during 24HCD, to support the local food shelf here in Williston VT.

Looking forward to October with excitement and a bit of trepidation (this year, I’m finally going to sit and draw, not just help with organizing.)
Artists’ Mediums Inc.
Williston, VT

24 hour comic day ’09 winding down in Vermont

at Artists Mediums Inc. in Williston Vermont…. With only hours left to go, the last few blurrily exhausted artists finish the final inking of their comics.
Many thanks to:
Bawls energy Drinks,
Vermont Sandwich Company
for keeping the comics well fed, and comic characters from falling asleep.