Boy, do I feel refreshed after that nap!
This is what happened while I slept:
Got another update from Mike, Jeff, and Nathan at the previously undisclosed location.
Looks kinda sinister, don’t it?
And here on the home front, some folks sleep, and some folks don’t.
Of those that don’t, Ben gets back to basics with pencil and paper.
Night falls on Jesse’s story.
Sarah continues her tale of love and benevolent werewolves.
John continues his intricate line work in the “Dungeons of Space”.
Aliina presses like she always does.
AND THIS JUST IN… SARAH’S DONE!!! She’s the first, so in the long standing tradition of 7000 BC’s 24 Hours From Q-Town, she wins the prize of her choice. She chooses a familiar looking Ben Girven original t-shirt!
While the rest of the room toils on…
And Jeff’s Redneck Zombies and Cat continue their tribulations.
Back in a minute or so…
Be Well,
Your pal,