
24-Hour Comics Day is an annual international celebration of comics creation. On this day, creative folks take on the 24 Hour Comic Challenge to create a 24 page comic book story, normally months worth of work, in 24 straight hours.

Creators gather at participating venues including comic book stores, schools, libraries, and community centers. Others take part in private gatherings. Some participate online. Many work on their own.

Every year since 2004 this event has taken place. The thousands of participants who have created tens of thousands of pages of original art have included the young and the old, people with decades of professional comics creation experience and those who have never tried to draw a panel before, at locations on at least five continents.

The event date for 2024 is SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5TH.

If you are a venue that is celebrating 24-Hour Comics Day, please let us know here and we will spread the word! https://comicspro.wufoo.com/forms/k1qrly2h087712u/

Wrapped up in Q-town

Elizabeth has 15 panels created for The Champions of Sorien.

I’m the last to be drawing here.  I didn’t finish, but did finish writing and penciling my official 24 hour comic, and inked several.  I also worked on a different project that I wanted to get a start on and finished three pages as well as planning and research for it.  We had probably more visitors than participants this time around, which made for an odd and very enjoyable time.  Another bleary-eyed success.  Here’s a last image.

A HUGE thank you to our sponsors, starting with our gracious host Lobo Anime and Comics here in Albuquerque.  We also want to thank S bucks for the coffee and raffle donors Comic Warehouse, Big Adventure Comics, ., Twin Suns, Age of Comics, and surpise guest Stephen McCranie.

See you all next year!


Nearing halfway in Q-town!

Young Henry is in the lead working on page 12


Jeff’s The Truthly Wailful Toe of Tim is underway.

Matt has just returned to Duckville once again!  While Paul transfers thumbnails to the page, RJ takes time to study.

Nathan is taking the mini-comic route and the hands of minister and son create wonders.

Meanwhile back on the ranch, our long distance Elizabeth dazzles with new tools.

24 Q-towns at Hour 7

Comics are being drawn.  Starbucks is being consumed.  Raffle prizes are being dispensed.  Ex-prez Chuck and First Dame Dominque of Larntz Squared came by.  Stephen McCranie and Crystal came by too, and donated additional raffle books.

Pizza is on its way and it is definitely time.

The Larntz Collective over top of Paul Z’s comic.

Glenn with his first comic in full cartographic style.

Nathan and contemplative Gabe.


Sara and Kelli being extremely productive.  Pretty sure one of them will be first to finish.

24 Hours from Q-Town Launched

We’ve started!

After an officially shifted late start due to bad car brakes and other things, we’re off with our first noon-fifteen to noon-fifteen event.  We’ve got 13 of us here heading towards the end of the second hour.

We’ve had our first raffle.  Henry won a blank Batman book and Matt won a clipboard and pencils.

A big thank you to Lobo Anime and Comics for the space!  I’ve gotta get mine started.

24 Hours from Q Town 2019!


New Mexico’s 7000 BC is once again readying itself for another amazing 24 Hour Comics Day! This 16th annual event will be graciously hosted by Lobo Anime and Comics for the second year in a row.  Poster graciously created by Brittany Sedillo!  Coffee will be graciously provided by Starbucks Coffee, staving off for one more year the need to bust open a gallon can of coffee with a rock in the middle of the road at 4 AM.  Phew!  First disaster avoided!

24 Hours!  24 Pages!  Take the challenge!  Check out past 7000 BC 24 Hour Comics Day blogs below and join us as we produce the finest and fuzziest in underslept comics literature!

Visit 7000 BC’s website here!

See you in a week!

24 Hours from Q Town Wrap Up

Well, it’s all over, everything is packed out and swept up, and I’m sitting right now at Winning Coffee, having just returned the urn, and waiting for some breakfast endchiladas red.  If you don’t know what that means, you ain’t from here, New Mexico, land of the Lobo.

A big thank you again to Lobo Anime and Comics, and to Winning Coffee!

In the end we wrapped up with me finishing at a little past 11:30.  Charles had officially finished before that.  Only Paul and Max remained.  Mike and Olive kept up at home, in spite of the break for a roller skate party on saturday.  They joined Emily, Kyle, Gabe, and others in getting a huge amount done but not quite finishing.

A huge thank you to all our sponsors, and to Nathan and Paul for being my cohorts in running this event.

See you all next year!